Labours of Love presents a selection of work from Barry Ace (M’Chigeeng First Nation – Anishinaabe – Odawa) Catherine Blackburn (English River First Nation – Dënesųłinë́), and Justine Woods (Georgian Bay Métis Community – Aabitaawizininiwag). Their beaded garments and adornments are carefully constructed, bead by bead and stitch by stitch, each a gesture of love that contains rich histories and cultural knowledge that have been shared with the artists across generations. Each artist has developed their own unique approach to beadwork, joining the historical practices of their kin with their personal interests, relationships, and experiences to root their practice in the present, while laying a path for the future that expands the possibilities of what beadwork can communicate.
Labours of Love
Curated by Rachel Deiterding
MacLaren Art Centre
Barrie, ON
February 16 - May 19, 2024
Group Exhibition | Art Gallery of Guelph
September 14 to December 31, 2022